Revopoint Miraco Standalone Wireless 3D Scanner High Resolution Full Color - Miraco 16GB

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Revopoint Miraco Standalone Wireless 3D Scanner High Resolution Full Color

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2. FREE Briefing cara pemakaian mesin untuk pemula di toko kita yang khusus 3D Printer dan 3D Scanner
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Kelebihan :
- Detail scan sangat presisi sampai 0,05 mm
- Mesin portable gampang dibawa ke lokasi proyek, scanner sudah lengkap siap pakai
- Wireless scanner tidak perlu dihubungkan ke komputer saat proses 3D Scanning
- Proses 3D Scan sangat cepat sampai 15 fps
- Tersedia opsi varian 32 GB RAM Miraco Pro bisa scan area besar sampai 10 ribu frames
- Hasil scan full color 8K dengan 48 Megapixel camera
- Layar display bisa di putar agar bisa proses 3D Scanning dari kedua sisi
- Battery bisa tahan sampai 2 jam pemakaian
- Berat scanner hanya 750 gram mempermudah proses scanning
- Bisa 3D Scan single shot untuk memperkecil file 3D Scan dengan detail cukup tinggi
- Dilengkapi fitur mesh editing and fusion di dalam 3D Scanner tanpa perlu dipindahkan ke komputer
- File transfer bisa menggunakan wifi atau via USB 3.1 Type C Connection

Spesifikasi :

Product Name : Revopoint MIRACO
Technology : Quad-camera Infrared Structured Light
Single-frame Accuracy, up to 0.05 mm
Fused Point Distance : 0.05 mm
Single Capture Area at Nearest Distance : 28 x 53 mm at 100 mm
Single Capture Area at Furthest Distance : 975 x 775 mm at 1000 mm
Two Capture Modes : Single-shot Mode , Continuous Capture Mode
Scanning Speed,up to 15 fps
Minimum Scan Volume : 10 x 10 x 10 mm
Maximum Scan Volume : 4000 x 4000 x 4000 mm
Working Distance : 100 ~ 1000 mm
Screen : 6” 2k AMOLED Touch Screen
Auxiliary Lighting : Infrared Fill Lights, Flash LEDs
3D Light Source : Class 1 Infrared Light
Internal Storage : 256 GB eMMC
Position Sensors : 9-axis IMU
Memory (RAM) : 16 GB or 32 GB DDR4 (32GB only in MIRACO Pro)
RGB Camera Resolution,up to 48 Megapixels
Scanner Weight : 750 g
Dimensions(L x W x H) : 200 x 50 x 110 mm
Battery Capacity : Internal lithium Battery 5,000 mAh, supporting up to 2-hour continuous scanning
CPU : 8-core CPU,2.4 GHz
Tracking Methods : Feature , Marker
Protection Rating : IP45
Connector Type : USB Type-C
Wi-Fi Type : Wi-Fi 6
Compatible Operating Systems : Windows 10/11 (64-bit), macOS
Native system : Native Android System
Special Object Scanning : Use scanning spray for transparent, dark, or highly reflective objects.
Scanning Environment : Indoors and Outdoors
Output Formats : PLY, OBJ, and STL

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Revopoint Miraco 16GB